Thorough Verification of Education History and Credentials

Each year, thousands of job candidates fabricate their education history, in a wide variety of ways. Modern technology has given rise to Diploma Mills, which issue degrees based on “life experience” or simply for cash. By going directly to registrars, we are able to validate education history and give you a reliable picture of each candidate.

Sterling Talent Solutions’ highly skilled and experienced employees conduct hundreds of thousands of education verifications worldwide. With longstanding relationships with major Canadian and global education institutions, Sterling Talent Solutions offers a detailed knowledge of Diploma Mills and a well-documented procedures so that you get you fast, accurate information.

Rely on Sterling Talent Solutions for:

  • Forgery-proof results delivered securely online
  • Unbiased, unaltered records obtained directly from Registrars’ and Student Records Offices
  • An inexpensive measure of honesty
  • Knowledge of abundant diploma mills and phony education institutions
  • We have established relationships with education institutions worldwide
  • A consistent and auditable process
  • Typical turnaround time of 2-3 business days

Professional Credentials Verification

Another popular employment history verification service is Sterling Talent Solutions’ professional license verification and certificate check. Sterling Talent Solutions maintains a proprietary database of institutions, qualifying bodies, exam boards, and their verification protocols to improve completeness and reduce turnaround time. Results are unbiased, accurate, and provided online, in real-time.